10 Easy Ways To Type E with Accent Marks (è,é,ê,ë) on Keyboard - Software Accountant (2025)

Using ‘alt codes‘ and other simple typing and navigational shortcuts, you can type and insert E with accent marks over it (è,é,ê,ë). These methods are designed for typing symbols or characters that do not have a dedicated key on the keyboard.

Accurate representation of words from different languages often calls for the inclusion of these accent marks. They are diacritical symbols that impact pronunciation and convey distinct meanings.

However, typing these characters can be a challenge since they lack dedicated keys on the keyboard.

In this article, we will unveil a range of convenient shortcut methods, including the ‘E with accent alt code,’ as already mentioned, that will empower you to effortlessly type and insert the letter “E” with any accent mark over it.

By mastering these techniques, you’ll ensure linguistic precision and effective communication. So, without further ado, let’s dive right into the show. Get ready to unlock a whole new world of possibilities!

How to Type Accent on E Using the Windows Keyboard (Alt Code Method)

Alt codes are a combination of numeric values entered using the keyboard’s numeric keypad. These codes enable users to input special characters and symbols that are not readily available on the standard keyboard layout.

On the Windows keyboard, Alt codes provide a convenient way to type various characters, including E with accents.

To type any accent on e using Alt codes, you need to follow a simple sequence of steps.

  • Firstly, find the alt code for the specific accent mark you wish to use. Various Alt codes exist for different accent marks, so it is essential to identify the correct one. I will list all the accented E Alt Codes below for your reference.
  • Once you have the Alt code, ensure that the Num Lock key on your keyboard is activated. This key allows you to input numeric values using the numeric keypad.
  • Next, enter the Alt code combination by pressing and holding the Alt key while typing the numeric code. Finally, release the Alt key, and the accented “E” will appear at the exact place you placed your cursor.

In summary, to type an “E” with an accent mark on a Windows keyboard, press and hold down the alt key, type the accented E alt code with the numeric keypad, then release the alt key as soon as you finish typing the alt code.

For example, Alt + 0201 types É (E with an Acute/Apostrophe), Alt + 0200 types È (E with grave), Alt + 0202 types Ê (E with circumflex), and Alt + 0203 types Ë (E with umlaut/Two or two dots). All these are uppercase-accented e-letters. For their lowercase counterparts, use Alt + 0233 for é, Alt + 0232 for è, Alt + 0234 for ê, and Alt + 0235 for ë, respectively.

10 Easy Ways To Type E with Accent Marks (è,é,ê,ë) on Keyboard - Software Accountant (1)
10 Easy Ways To Type E with Accent Marks (è,é,ê,ë) on Keyboard - Software Accountant (2)

The table below shows all the accented E alt codes, all in lowercase and uppercase (i.e., small and capital e with an accent Mark).

DescriptionE with AccentAlt Code
Capital E with acute accent ÉAlt 0201
Small e with acute/apostropheéAlt 0233
Capital E with an acute accent ÈAlt 0200
Small e with grave accent èAlt 0232
Capital E with circumflex accent ÊAlt 0202
Small e with circumflex/cap accent êAlt 0234
Capital E with umlaut accent ËAlt 0203
Capital E with a grave accent ëAlt 0235

Now that you know all the accented “E” letters, Obey the instructions below to type any of the “E” letters with an accent mark over it on the keyboard using the alt codes in the above table. Let’s illustrate by using the E with Umlaut alt code (0203 for Uppercase Ë or 0235 for Lowercase ë).

  • Step 1: Place your insertion pointer where you need to type these characters.
  • Step 2: Make Sure the Num Lock key is enabled. If your keyboard does not have a Num Lock LED indicator, press the keys on the numeric keypad, if it inputs numbers, that means it’s enabled. But if pressing the keys results in cursor movement or other alternative functions, Num Lock is likely disabled.
  • Step 3: Press and hold the Alt key on your keyboard.
  • Step 4: Whilst pressing down the Alt key and using the numeric keypad, type the E with the umlaut alt code (0203 for Uppercase or 0235 for Lowercase). You can refer to the above table for all the various Accented E alt codes.
  • Step 5: Release the Alt key after typing the Alt code.

Note that you must use the numeric keypad to type the alt code. You must also turn on your NumLock key to be able to use the numeric keypad. If you are using a laptop with a small keyboard that does not have a separate numeric keypad, you can press the Fn and NmLk keys simultaneously to turn on the hidden numeric keypad.

This is how you may use the Alt Code method to type the various “E” letters with the accent mark using the keyboard.

How to type E with Accent Marks on Mac

If you are a Mac user, typing these special characters on a Mac keyboard can sometimes be a challenge.

In this section, we will explore various methods to help you type E with an accent mark on your Mac effortlessly.

Whether you prefer using keyboard shortcuts, the built-in Character Viewer, or third-party tools, we have you covered!

Option 1: E with Accent Keyboard Shortcut on Mac

The Option key, also known as the Alt key, plays a vital role in typing accent letters on Mac. It enables users to access special characters and diacritical marks that are not directly available on the keyboard.

By combining the Option key with other keys, you can create keyboard shortcuts to type E with accent marks, as shown in the table below:

NameCharacterShortcutShortcut Instructions
Lowercase e with Acute/ApostropheéOption+E, ePress Option+E, release, then press the letter e
Uppercase E with Acute Accent ÉOption+E, Shift+EPress Option+E, release, then press Shift+E
Lowercase e with Grave Accent èOption+`, ePress Option+`, release, then press the letter e
Uppercase E with Grave AccentÈOption+`, Shift+EPress Option+`, release, then press Shift+E
Lowercase e with Circumflex êOption+I, ePress Option+I, release, then press the letter e
Uppercase E with Circumflex ÊOption+I, Shift+EPress Option+I, release, then press Shift+E
Lowercase e with Umlaut/DiaeresisëOption+U, ePress Option+U, release, then press the letter e
Uppercase E with Umlaut/Two DotsËOption+U, Shift+EPress Option+U, release, then press Shift+E
10 Easy Ways To Type E with Accent Marks (è,é,ê,ë) on Keyboard - Software Accountant (3)

Please note that these shortcuts are specifically for typing accented letters on a Mac using the Option key in combination with other keys. Make sure to release the Option key before pressing the subsequent keys to produce the desired accented letter.

Option 2: Using the Character Viewer to Insert E Accents on Mac

The Character Viewer is a built-in tool on Mac that allows users to browse and insert special characters, including E with accent letters.

To enable and access the Character Viewer, follow these steps:

  • Click on the Apple menu at the top-left corner of the screen.
  • Select “System Preferences” from the dropdown menu.
10 Easy Ways To Type E with Accent Marks (è,é,ê,ë) on Keyboard - Software Accountant (4)
  • In the System Preferences window, click on “Keyboard.”
10 Easy Ways To Type E with Accent Marks (è,é,ê,ë) on Keyboard - Software Accountant (5)
  • Switch to the “Input Sources” tab and enable the “Show Input menu in menu bar” option.
10 Easy Ways To Type E with Accent Marks (è,é,ê,ë) on Keyboard - Software Accountant (6)
  • Close the System Preferences window.

Once the Character Viewer is enabled, obey the instructions below to insert E with accent letters from the Character Viewer into your document:

  • Open the document or text editor where you want to insert the Accented E letter.
  • Position your cursor at the desired location.
  • Open the Character Viewer by pressing Control + Command + Space Bar. Alternatively, click on the input menu icon in the menu bar (usually located at the top-right corner of the screen). From the dropdown menu, select “Show Character Viewer.”
  • Select the desired character by clicking on it in the Character Viewer window. You can use the search bar to help find any character quicker. Alternatively, go the Latin category as shown in the screenshot below.
10 Easy Ways To Type E with Accent Marks (è,é,ê,ë) on Keyboard - Software Accountant (7)
  • The selected letter will be inserted at the cursor’s position in your document.

Option 3: Exploring Third-Party Applications and Utilities

In addition to the built-in methods discussed above, there are third-party applications and utilities available for typing these special characters on your Mac. These tools often provide enhanced functionality and customization options, making the process more seamless and efficient.

Explore options like PopChar, KeyCue, or TextExpander to find a tool that suits your needs.

Third-party tools like these can offer advantages such as expanded character libraries, advanced customization features, and compatibility with various applications. However, it’s essential to consider factors like cost, compatibility with your operating system version, and potential impacts on system performance before selecting and installing third-party tools.

Get E with Accents in MS Word/Office

Know that you can use any of the above methods to insert or type accents on e in Microsoft Word.

These MS Word options are just an alternative, and it is specially made to get these characters in Microsoft Word only.

So without any further ado, let’s get started.

Method 1: Insert E with accent marks Using MS Office Symbol Library

If using the keyboard isn’t your thing, there’s also a mouse-based navigational method for getting “E” with accent marks in Office applications like Microsoft Word. It is called the Symbol Library.

The Symbol Library is a comprehensive collection of special characters and symbols available within MS Office applications. It allows users to access an extensive range of characters beyond what is readily available on the keyboard.

By utilizing the Symbol Library, users can easily insert accent marks, mathematical symbols, currency signs, and much more into their documents.

Accessing the Symbol Library in MS Office is straightforward. Simply navigate to the “Insert” tab on the ribbon toolbar and locate the “Symbol” button. Clicking on the “Symbol” button will reveal a dropdown menu with various symbol options. From there, you can click on ‘More symbols’ to access the Symbol Library and explore the available characters.

To explain the steps, we’ll use screenshots from Microsoft Word. You can, however, use the same method in Excel and PowerPoint.

Now the steps:

  • Step 1: Access the MS Office Symbol Library: To begin, open your desired MS Office application, such as Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint. Look for the “Insert” tab on the ribbon toolbar at the top of the screen.
10 Easy Ways To Type E with Accent Marks (è,é,ê,ë) on Keyboard - Software Accountant (8)
  • Step 2: Locate the Symbol Library: Within the “Insert” tab, find the “Symbol” button in the ‘Symbols’ group on the far right side of the ribbon. Clicking on this button will reveal a dropdown menu with various symbol options. Select the option that says “More Symbols.”
10 Easy Ways To Type E with Accent Marks (è,é,ê,ë) on Keyboard - Software Accountant (9)
  • Step 3: Choose the letter E with your desired accent: A new dialog box will appear, displaying the ‘Symbol Library’. Here, you can browse through the available symbols and characters. Look for the section or subset “Latin-1 Supplement,” which includes all the accent marks you need.
10 Easy Ways To Type E with Accent Marks (è,é,ê,ë) on Keyboard - Software Accountant (10)
  • Step 4: Insert the Accent Marked “E”: Once you’ve located the desired accent mark, double-click on it. This action will insert the selected accent “E” at the cursor’s current position in your document.
  • Step 5: Customize and Format: If necessary, you can customize the inserted characters to match your document’s style. Adjust the font size and style, change the character color and alignment, or apply any other formatting options as desired.
  • Step 6: Copy and Paste (Optional): To replicate the inserted characters, you can copy them and paste them within your document. This technique is useful when you need to insert multiple instances of the same accent-marked “E” or maintain consistency throughout your work.

By following these simple steps, you can easily insert the letter “E” with accent marks using the MS Office Symbol Library. The Symbol Library provides a comprehensive collection of characters, allowing you to enhance your written work with precision and accuracy.

However, remember to explore alternative methods and techniques to find the approach that best suits your needs. With the ability to seamlessly insert accent marks, you can create professional and polished documents that convey your intended meaning with clarity.

Method 2: How To Type E with Accent Mark in Word using ‘Alt X Code’ Method

The ‘Alt X code’ method is a keyboard shortcut technique that allows users to input special characters and symbols using their corresponding Unicode hexadecimal values.

To type the letter E with accent marks using the ‘Alt X code’ method, you will need to follow a few simple steps.

  • First, identify the specific accented letter you wish to type.
  • Once you have determined the desired character, find the corresponding ‘Alt X code’ for that specific character. This code represents the Unicode hexadecimal value associated with the character. I will list all the ‘Alt X codes’ in a table below for your reference.
  • Once you have the ‘Alt X code’ for the desired symbol or character, you can apply the ‘Alt X code’ method to type the letter “E” with any accent mark.
  • Start by typing the ‘Alt X code’ on your keyboard into your MS Word document, immediately followed by pressing the Alt + X keys, and the letter “E” with the accent mark should appear on your screen in place of the Alt X code. For example, to type uppercase E with acute (É), you would type “00C9” followed by the Alt + X. Also, to type lowercase E with umlaut (ë), you type 00EB, followed by Alt + X.

Below are the various ‘Alt X codes’ for all the popular E with Accent marks which you can use to enter these accented characters in Word:

Character NameCharacterShortcutShortcut Instructions
Lowercase e with Acute/Apostropheé00E9, Alt+XType 00E9 and then press Alt+X to convert it to the letter é in MS Word
Uppercase E with Acute AccentÉ00C9, Alt+XType 00C9 and then press Alt+X to convert it to the letter É in MS Word
Lowercase e with Grave Accentè00E8, Alt+XType 00E8 and then press Alt+X to convert it to the letter è in MS Word
Uppercase E with Grave AccentÈ00C8, Alt+XType 00C8 and then press Alt+X to convert it to the letter È in MS Word
Lowercase e with Circumflex Accentê00EA, Alt+XType 00EA and then press Alt+X to convert it to the letter ê in MS Word
Uppercase E with Circumflex AccentÊ00CA, Alt+XType 00CA and then press Alt+X to convert it to the letter Ê in MS Word
Lowercase e with Umlaut/Diaeresisë00EB, Alt+XType 00EB and then press Alt+X to convert it to the letter ë in MS Word
Uppercase E with Umlaut/Two DotsË00CB, Alt+XType 00CB and then press Alt+X to convert it to the letter Ë in MS Word

However, it is important to note that the Alt + X code method does have limitations. This method requires users to know the specific ‘Alt X code’ for each “E” accented letter they wish to type, which can be time-consuming to memorize. Additionally, the ‘Alt X code’ method may not be suitable for users who frequently need to type different characters with accent marks, as it can be cumbersome to remember and enter multiple codes.

Method 3: Type E with Accents on the Keyboard using Microsoft Word Shortcuts

Microsoft Word provides a range of useful shortcuts that allow users to insert special characters and symbols quickly. This section focuses on just that.

To type accented versions of the letter “E” in Microsoft Word, you can utilize the following shortcuts. Each shortcut corresponds to a specific accent mark, allowing you to insert the desired accented letter into your document easily.

Note: These shortcuts work only in MS Word. If you try to use on a browser or somewhere else, it will not work. For a method that works everywhere on Windows, refer to the first section in this post.

Character NameCharacterShortcutShortcut Instructions
Lowercase e with Acute/ApostropheéCtrl+’, ePress Ctrl+’ (apostrophe), release, then press the letter e
Uppercase E with Acute AccentÉCtrl+’, Shift+EPress Ctrl+’ (apostrophe), release, then press Shift+E
Lowercase e with Grave AccentèCtrl+`, ePress Ctrl+` (grave accent), release, then press the letter e
Uppercase E with Grave AccentÈCtrl+`, Shift+EPress Ctrl+` (grave accent), release, then press Shift+E
Lowercase e with Circumflex AccentêCtrl+Shift+^, ePress Ctrl+Shift+^ (caret), release, then press the letter e
Uppercase E with Circumflex AccentÊCtrl+Shift+^, Shift+EPress Ctrl+Shift+^ (caret), release, then press Shift+E
Lowercase e with Umlaut/DiaeresisëCtrl+Shift+:, ePress Ctrl+: (colon), release, then press the letter e
Uppercase E with Umlaut/Two DotsËCtrl+Shift+:, Shift+EPress Ctrl+: (colon), release, then press Shift+E

By utilizing these Microsoft Word shortcuts, you can easily type the letter “E” with a variety of accent marks.

How to Type E with Accent in Google Docs

Google Docs offers a Special Characters tool that provides access to a wide range of symbols, including these accented letters. To access the Special Characters tool, follow these steps:

To access the Special Characters tool, follow these steps:

  • Click on the “Insert” menu in Google Docs.
  • Hover over “Special characters” and click on it to browse all special characters.
10 Easy Ways To Type E with Accent Marks (è,é,ê,ë) on Keyboard - Software Accountant (11)
  • To easily locate the desired accented letter E sign, perform a search with this keyword: “E with.” You should see all the “E” letters that has an accent mark on top or below it.
10 Easy Ways To Type E with Accent Marks (è,é,ê,ë) on Keyboard - Software Accountant (12)
  • All you need to do now is double-click on it to get it into your Google docs.

Note: If you prefer using keyboard shortcuts rather than navigating through menus, the Alt code method can also work in Google Docs. By using the Alt key in combination with the various Accented E Alt Codes, you can quickly type them. Refer to the first section to learn this method.

How to Get E with Accent Marks using the Character Map

This is a built-in utility that allows users to browse and select various special characters and symbols available in the fonts installed on their Windows system. It offers a comprehensive library of characters beyond the standard keyboard options. By using the Character Map, you can easily find and select the desired “E” with accent mark.

So if you have a Windows PC, the steps below will show you how to copy these Accented E letters from the Character Map.

  • Click on the “Start” menu and search for “Character Map.”
10 Easy Ways To Type E with Accent Marks (è,é,ê,ë) on Keyboard - Software Accountant (13)
  • Click on the Character Map application that appears in the search results. This should open it up.
  • Near the button of the window, select the Advance View checkbox to expand more of the character map options.
10 Easy Ways To Type E with Accent Marks (è,é,ê,ë) on Keyboard - Software Accountant (14)
  • In the Advanced view, you will see a search box. Search for the keyword “E with”. You should see all the e letters that have an accent mark above or below them.
  • Simply double-click on your desired character and hit the Copy button after it is selected in the Characters to Copy text box.

Using the Character Map tool provides a straightforward method of obtaining the letter “E” with accent marks.

Copy and Paste E with accent letters

This is by far the simplest way to obtain any symbol, including the E with accents.

The internet offers a wealth of websites and resources dedicated to providing various accented letters for different languages and writing systems. These resources often include character maps, symbol libraries, or ai text generators that allow you to copy and paste accented letters directly into your documents.

By leveraging these online sources, you can save time and effort by avoiding the need to memorize complex keyboard combinations or install specialized software.

You simply need to copy these special characters from somewhere, such as a web page, and then press Ctrl + V after switching to the document where you want to paste it.

If you want to copy and paste these special letters, you can do so below:

Lowercase: à á â ã ä å

Uppercase: À Á Â Ã Ä Å


Mastering the art of typing the letter E with accent marks on your keyboard opens up a world of linguistic possibilities. With the knowledge and techniques shared in this article, you can effortlessly add elegance and precision of accentuated e’s to your written communication.

By exploring various methods and keyboard shortcuts, you have learned how to confidently insert the letter E with accent marks into your documents. Whether you prefer using Alt codes, Unicode, Character Maps, or keyboard shortcuts specific to your operating system or software, the power to accurately convey meaning is at your fingertips.

10 Easy Ways To Type E with Accent Marks (è,é,ê,ë) on Keyboard - Software Accountant (2025)


10 Easy Ways To Type E with Accent Marks (è,é,ê,ë) on Keyboard - Software Accountant? ›

Use the right-hand Alt key in combination with the appropriate letter to get one of the more common combinations (for example, Alt+e will result in: é). Press the symbol you want to use and then the letter you want to use it with (for example, if you first press the ~ symbol and then the “n” key, you'll get: ñ).

How to type ë in keyboard? ›

This layout allows use of all specific Albanian characters.
  1. ë = CTRL + " then e, or Alt + 0235.
  2. Ë = CTRL + " then E, or Alt + 0203.
  3. ç = CTRL +, then c, or Alt + 0231.
  4. Ç = CTRL +, then C, or Alt + 0199.

What is the alt code for ë? ›

CharacterALT CodeCharacter
7 more rows

What is the keyboard shortcut for the accent E? ›

Jan 29, 2024•Knowledge
  1. ALT Codes for Accent Marks: ALT + 0224 : à (Grave accent) ALT + 0232 : è (Grave accent) ALT + 0233 : é (Acute accent) ALT + 0242 : ò (Grave accent) ...
  2. ALT Codes for Common Symbols: ALT + 0169 : © (Copyright symbol) ALT + 0174 : ® (Registered trademark symbol) ALT + 0153 : ™ (Trademark symbol)
Jan 29, 2024

How do I type é on my keyboard in Windows? ›

Use the right-hand Alt key in combination with the appropriate letter to get one of the more common combinations (for example, Alt+e will result in: é). Press the symbol you want to use and then the letter you want to use it with (for example, if you first press the ~ symbol and then the “n” key, you'll get: ñ).

How to get e with dots on top? ›

Hold down the [Alt] key, type [0235] on the numeric keypad (on the right). The alt code for the e with two dots is 0235. Then release the [Alt] key. The e with umlaut (ë) symbol should appear in your document.

How do you type Zoë with two dots? ›

So here are a bunch of different ways to type Zoë. Z, o, "Edit" -> "Special Characters" -> "Accented Latin" -> ë -> "Insert" (thanks to Shannon Schmalfeldt!) Z, o, Alt-u (gives the two dots), e (thanks to Rob Wilkins!) Z, o, hold down the 'e' key, up pops a menu of options, select ë (thanks to Meaghan!)

What is the Alt code for the e fada? ›

Extra Tip: If You're In Ireland

If you're in Ireland, your keyboard should already be configured to be for Ireland. In that case, on a PC, just hold down Ctrl and Alt and type the letter. Alternatively, this might work too: Hold the alt key down and for the lower case: alt+ 0225= á, 0233=é, 0237=í, 0243= ó, 0250=ú.

How to type Spanish accents on Windows 10? ›

Typing Spanish Accents
  1. á (lower case a, acute accent) = Press Ctrl + ' (apostrophe), then the letter a. é (lower case e, acute accent) = Press Ctrl + ' (apostrophe), then the letter e. ...
  2. Á (upper case A, acute accent) = Press Ctrl + ' (apostrophe), then Shift + a. ...
  3. ¿ (inverted question mark) = Press Alt + Ctrl + Shift + ? (
Oct 2, 2023

What is the grave accent mark? ›

A grave accent is a mark (`) placed over a vowel esp. to indicate that the vowel is open or lax, as French è, has distinct syllabic value, as in English belovèd, or that the vowel or the syllable it is in has secondary stress or is pronounced with a low or falling pitch.

How to type ø on Windows? ›

All you need is a windows computer with a full-size keyboard. Let's start with the basics; the ALT code for a diameter symbol (Ø) is ALT+0216, so you press and hold down the left ALT key and then type 0216 on the number pad. when you let go of the ALT key the symbol will appear at the cursor.

How to type æ on keyboard? ›

Æ = Hold down the Control and Shift keys and type a & (ampersand), release the keys, hold down the Shift key and type an A. ø = Hold down the Control and Shift keys and type a / (slash), release the keys, and type an o.

How do you type I with two dots? ›

Hold down the "Ctrl" and "Shift" keys, and then press the colon key. Release the keys, and then type a vowel in upper or lower case. Use Office's Unicode shortcut combination to put an umlaut over a non-vowel character.

What letter is ë? ›

Ë is the 6th letter of the Uyghur Latin alphabet and represents close-mid front unrounded vowel /e/ (while plain E stands for /ɛ/ or /æ/).

How do you type two dots above a letter? ›

When using Microsoft Word for Windows or Outlook, a letter with double dots can be produced by pressing Ctrl ⇧ Shift : and then the letter.

How to type ë on macbook? ›

For ä , click Option + U and then click A . For ë , click Option + U and then click E . For ï , click Option + U and then click I . For ö , click Option + U and then click O .

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